Designed from the ground up for interoperability and standards,
FormView is a web application that runs on the rock solid Java Enteprise foundation.
It relies on Ajax and JSON for interactions between browser and server,
providing rich and robust communications between them.
The application creates multiple page forms backed by a
relational SQL table. The data in each form's fields is harnessed
and made available to a server-side Javascript sandbox,
where easy to write scripts use and manipulate
the data and perform a variety of functions, without
requiring Java coding.
A comprehensive script library makes it easy to
interact with multiple databases, AD and naming
directories, and dynamically populating forms. The library functions also provide the foundation
for consuming and creating web services with
just a few lines of script.
Combining a WYSIWYG form editor with the easy to use
Javascript on the browser and the server and automatic
database table maintenance enables a form developer
tremendous ability without requiring a large team
of HTML, Java and database experts.
In intranets, user profiles are automatically looked up in
Active Directory or database tables. Profiles allow
verification of other user's identities
and provide common attributes such as email
addresses and employee ids.
Technical Architecture
The FormView web application is distributable and designed for multiple instance deployment.
All data used and created by the application is stored in
a database. Multiple instances share the database for synchronization.
Nothing is written to the server file system by the application
except for temporary upload files while being processed.
Configuration properties are stored in the application's
web.xml file or in a read-only, shareable [properties file](#propertiesfile).
Forms are defined using a browser application and are
stored in the server's database. These records are cached for a short time,
minimizing synchronization lag between instances
to the [caching interval](#cachems), whose default value is 15 seconds.
Form designers are provided a scripting language for working
with form data dynamically. Scripts can run on both
the browser and the server. Typically, browser scripts
interact with form elements on the screen as they change, while server
scripts deal with the data anywhere in the form and
use a library of built-in functions to
interact with databases, ldap/AD lookups and REST web services.
The Javascript language is used for both browser and server scripts.
In the browser, scripts run as native Javascript; in the server,
scripts run under the GraalVM Javascript engine.
At runtime, when forms are
served, the form definition in JSON is sent to the browser to be
turned into HTML. Data submitted by the form is sent to the server
in JSON as well. Thus, the entire data flow architecture is
ajax/json, rather than the traditional submitted html forms.
This results in very efficient usage of server resources.
Each form's data is stored in its own table, one record per form.
When a page in the form is submitted, the fields on that page
are updated and the rest of the record is left intact.
This allows creating applications where more than one user
can simultaneously collect and revise data on different
pages of a form, and can even simultaneously modify the data on the same page
using appropriate functions.
Form access uses sessions with CSRF tokens. Other security techniques used are
server and browser data validation, HTML escaping,
and prepared SQL statements. The browser and its scripts
can only modify data in the current page,
while server scripts can deal with data needed in other fields.
An encrypted Wallet is available to store valuable information such as API keys
for external web services.
Securing data
Forms are, by default, protected
by requiring application server authentication,
as chosen in the Security page.
HTTPS, by default, is required throughout the application.
Every form submission starts a session,
with a unique CSRF token that is checked
on every data submission from the form.
Forms are constructed using standard HTML
elements. However, forms are not submitted
using the <form> tag. Instead, when
the form buttons are pressed, Javascript
functions collect all page data, send
it to the server as an AJAX request,
and receive data and markup for the next
page, which is rendered as HTML elements
after suitable sanitization for script injections.
The current values of form fields
on the current page and previously seen
pages are available in the browser for browser
Scripts, while the current values of
all fields on all pages are available to
server Scripts.
The server takes several measures to
prevent form tampering:
- incoming fields that are not on
the current page are discarded
- all fields are re-validated, just
like they were in the browser, for
suitable types, value ranges, required, etc.
- when server Scripts use the Hide function
to make fields invisible or read-only,
incoming field values are rejected by the
server, preventing tampering, and
are discarded before saving the form.
However, the Hide function can override
these safeguards as necessary.
After validation and executing server side
Scripts, the form is saved using prepared
SQL statements that modify only the fields
on the current page and fields modified by
the Scripts.
Altogether, these practices allow forms to be accessed simultaneously
by different users safely..
For example, one page can be made accessible
for normal access to a reviewer while the
author only has access in a View Only mode.
Scripts provide additional fine grain control
so that certain fields can be rendered
in a read only mode to one class of user
and in a fully accessible mode to another user.
Gathered data is presented to users in reports,
secured with appropriate access rights;
individual reports can use additional
restrictions, and individual forms
can add restrictions on report access as well.
The FormView application is a Servlet 3.1
compliant Java EE web application. It supports Java VM versions 11, 17 and 21.
The application has been tested
on the latest available versions of
JVM 11, 17 and 21 from Oracle:
JDK 21.0.5, JDK 17.0.12, JDK 11.0.24.
FormView requires a Java EE or Jakarta EE application
server, such as Tomcat 8 through 11,
WebLogic Server 12c and 14c, JBoss EAP 7 and 8, WildFly.
Other application servers can be certified upon request.
It runs on hardware and operating systems supported by the application server and Java VM.
FormView stores its data in a relational database.
The following are supported:
- Oracle 12 and higher
- MySQL 5.7, 8.0, 8.4, 9
- Others (DB2, Postgresql, MSSQL) can be certified upon request
FormView requires a web browser with EcmaScript11 capability,
which is all web browsers released after 2020. It does not support Internet Explorer or Edge in Internet
Explorer mode.
FormView has been stress tested with 100 simultaneous requests
at constant speed of over 2,000 requests per second
on a Mac M1 with Tomcat.
FormView uses the GraalVM Javascript engine for server side scripts,
and includes the necessary libraries. The Graal native compilation
feature is not used because it only provides a 5% increase in
overall performance and requires specific builds for specific
versions of the Graal VMs. Contact Cogix if interested.