User Access Rights


The Access Rights button in the menu bar, visible to the Administrator only, leads to the User Access Rights page, which has useful functions for managing Access Rights.
Other useful tools are the Access Rights of Selected, Who has Access Rights, and Where Used options in the
places, Styles, and Invite Lists pages. For complete information, see Using User Security.

Revoke rights from
Format: users,@roles

The first form, above, is useful for quickly revoking all rights that a user or group has everywhere in the ViewsFlash application.
Simply enter a list of user IDs and roles and press Revoke.
For example, tom.jones,@ProjectX will revoke any rights that tom.jones and users in role ProjectX have. Note that the role name is prefixed with an @ sign.

Users and roles allowed to create:
Invite lists
Format: users,@roles

The second form grants users and roles the Access Right to create places, styles, and invite lists. Next to each category, enter a list of user IDs and roles and press Submit.

For example, entering @SurveyCreators,susan.petersen in the places box will grant her and anyone belonging to the role SurveyCreators the right to create places. In the created places, they will also be granted the right to create surveys, analyze data, and view raw data. To change those rights, the Administrator must go to the places page and change the Access Rights to the created place.

Similarly, when a Style or an Invite List is created, the user who creates them is granted the right to Use and Modify it. To change those rights, The Administrator must go to the Styles or Invite Lists page and modify the Access Rights.

Next: Using LDAP