Modifying the ViewsFlash.war file

How to repack the ViewsFlash.war file

Follow these instructions one how to unpack the ViewsFlash.war file, modify and/or add files, and repack the war file for deployment.

Linux systems (using a command shell).
1. Change to a temporary directory, "tmp" in this example, with:

 cd /tmp 
2. Create a ViewsFlash subdirectory with:
 mkdir ViewsFlash 
3. copy the original ViewsFlash.war file into /tmp

4. rename ViewsFlash.war to ORIGViewsFlash.war with:
mv ViewsFlash.war ORIGViewsFlash.war
5. extract ViewsFlash.war with:
cd ViewsFlash  $JAVA_HOME\bin\jar -xvf ../ORIGViewsFlash.war
6. edit or replace /tmp/ViewsFlash/WEB-INF/web.xml as needed and save.

7. Repack the war with:
cd /tmp  $JAVA_HOME/bin/jar -cvf ViewsFlash.war -C ViewsFlash .

The repacked war will be /tmp/ViewsFlash.war

Windows systems (using a command window).
1. Change to a temporary directory, "tmp" in this example, with:

 cd \tmp 
2. Create a ViewsFlash subdirectory with:
 mkdir ViewsFlash 
3. Use Explorer to copy the original ViewsFlash.war file into C:\tmp

4. rename ViewsFlash.war to ORIGViewsFlash.war with:
ren ViewsFlash.war ORIGViewsFlash.war
5. extract ViewsFlash.war with:
cd ViewsFlash  %JAVA_HOME%\bin\jar -xvf C:\tmp\ORIGViewsFlash.war
6. use notepad to modify C:\tmp\ViewsFlash\WEB-INF\web.xml as needed and save.

7. Repack the war with:
cd \tmp  %JAVA_HOME%\bin\jar -cvf ViewsFlash.war -C ViewsFlash .

The repacked war will be C:\tmp\ViewsFlash.war


Next: Setup