Using Charts

Univariate and Cross tabulation reports can now include charts. To produce the charts, simply click the "graph" option on that page.
When the report is viewed, it will include a graph. For example:

The chart can be edited and downloaded to the browser, Excel and PowerPoint. Clicking on the graph produces a page with the following options.

The top of the page includes four links:

Below the graph, four links open up sections that allow changing the graph appearance:

At the bottom of the page, three buttons determine what to do next:

System Administrator note:  About fonts in charts

The fonts that are available depend on the fonts that are installed in the system, in the application server's Java VM.
When using international character sets such as Chinese, an appropriate font must be installed. Some fonts to consider are:
Microsoft Arial Unicode MS and Cyberbit.

Default chart options can be set by adding the following to
chart.fontstyle=Arial Unicode MS


Next: Cross Tabulation